hold on, suspend your step for a moment
take in the space, the feeling and your bodily response
our upgrading bodies are attuning to dimensions we have no idea of
they need stillness and awareness
you can’t just keep going, thinking and doing as usual
try being fully present to what is going on instead
no matter what you are involved in
hold on, suspend your step for a moment
take a breath in and out
enjoy the space, within and without
all has become so vast, beyond anything we can imagine
how it works, what it means, we don’t have a clue so far
all is happening so fast and so slowly
get a feel of it and allow it
without questioning
fear not
everything happens for a reason
you too are playing your part in the weaving of the world’s fabric
a magnificent new order is being established
where unity and love rule only
fear not
drop your shield and your defence patterns
let yourself be moved, transformed, relocated
wherever you are being taken, you are being guided
soften and invite the new
you can feel vulnerable when you are moved
and fear makes you rush, go round in circles, become aggressive or freeze
hold on, suspend your step for a moment
breathe more deeply and expand more and more
until you can embrace the new
when you are ready
let it in … let it out … in peace and harmony
thank you …
Grazie cara, è molto bello! È proprio quello che ci vuole!
Un grande abbraccio
Sì, è proprio il momento di respirare profondo
e ascoltare suoni e spazi intorno, dentro e fuori….
gli uccelli la pioggia i semi che germogliano,
lascio andare il brulicante rimuginio della mente,
le antiche ferite che ribollono
fino forse ad evaporare via, dissolversi pian piano.
Il respiro fluisce come un rigagnolo che si fa fiume,
il pugno nello stomaco si allenta…..
Week end très lourd, gluant, poisseux; n’arrivant pas à me réveiller. Aujourd’huit la légèreté est dans l’air.
Very still practice, extremely long and expansive breath.
Thank you Sylviane for reminding me of the power of being in the now
Moments de grâce vécus ces derniers jours… I read these words and , slowly, it falls into place!!! Merci !!!