We always break according to ourselves, according to the lines of fracture and division that are ours. It is an internal possibility, it is properly ours.
Jean-Louis Chrétien, Fragility
fragile and vulnerable
an inventory of the state of things, of people, of the world
we have to make do, to get by
it is sensitive, and full of possibilities
the end foretold, felt
and a profound, radical, inescapable change
a power that blossoms
a whole other world!
fragile: that which shatters, that which breaks easily
vulnerable: that which can be wounded, struck by an organic or psychic ailment
childhood contains the seeds of everything that makes a man a man, particularly his fragility
there is a break in objects and in being, because there is a fault line that precedes the break
one can be fragile without being weak, just as one can be weak without being fragile
a place where I can fall, but also a place where I can get up again
what falls is obsolete, the possible in the making lifts me up – on another level
Cécile McLorin-Salvant performs “le mal de vivre” de Barbara
la vulnerability
it is not a weakness, it is a strength, a power
at the heart of emotions and feelings, to feel is to be vulnerable
It is uncertainty, openness, risk-taking, as in love.
Brené Brown, The power of vulnerability
György Kurtag, Aus der Ferne