The storm pushes me to the exclamation point

Claude Minière,The space between lightning and thunder *


   © Gifer




stormy weather


there’s electricity in the air !

the expression refers to thunderstorms in which the air is charged with electricity, causing lightning, just like a good spat


   © Gifer


in humid air, it is due to the presence of ions, atoms or molecules that carry an electrical charge
when water condenses to form droplets or clouds, ions can form part of the droplets, giving them an electrical charge





atmospheric disturbance of convective origin associated with the cumulonimbus cloud
this cloud, which extends vertically, produces heavy to torrential rain and electric discharges of lightning accompanied by thunder
thunderstorms can produce hail, very strong winds and tornadoes



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extreme amplitude : the higher it goes, the lower it gets

within a wider field of experience, the requirement is becoming clearer
as the Earth’s frequency rises, individual consciousness grows brighter and the call to embody the light that you are becomes more urgent
it’s personal, specific!


   © Gifer 


during a storm
lightning is the visible result of the air heating up
thunder is the sound made when the vibration of the air propagates along this electrical discharge
in a fraction of a second, the air reaches a temperature of 30,000°C
it undergoes severe compression and expansion
these sudden and successive movements generate sound waves, which are the source of the rolling sound of thunder
lightning is called a thunderbolt when it strikes the earth’s surface    © MétéoFrance



huge expansion: the more it compresses, the more it expands

work in progress (again and again): expelling false identities, beliefs and other illusions


   René Magritte, The key to dreams


through this mixing, the best talents are gradually extracted
your strengths revealed, life unfolds through you
you take on its loving form at every moment


   © Stanley Donen, Singing in the rain


And all the happy storms of your loving body…
Jacques Prévert, Sanguine


    JMW Turner Snowstorm





* Claude Minière invokes the storm as a principle of discontinuity, and places the essential place of poetry in the in-between, the space between lightning and thunder.