© Photo Funky
crossing appearances
- what appears = what is perceived by all the senses
- what appears to be vs what is a matter of looking and point of view
- what appears on one plane and what appears on another
in short, how do you make sense of it all?
especially if…
The sentence below is true.
The sentence above is false.
be confronted with
go through
to cross a limit, a boundary, a resistance
that which limits, holds, protects, restrains
step out
out of your comfort zone
from complacency in the known
but also
bring together
several different perspectives on the same plane
on different planes, opposites are not mutually exclusive, two incompatible things can be possible simultaneously
choose to cross
to step outside, to expose yourself, to reveal yourself, to lay yourself bare
to free yourself
to go beyond
the veil, the mask, the illusion fall away
moving and finding your bearings
sometimes your nose crashes into a mirror
sense the imposture and the dead end and take another direction
true-false false-true decoys mirages illusions
learning to
to live in a multiple reality, to evolve in several planes of our existence, without confusing or amalgamating them
manoeuvre more consciously from one plane to another
read the reality we experience from several planes and their own laws
detect the insinuations and traps of sensory impressions (external or internal)
to do this, stay anchored in your body, aligned, centred and fully present to what is happening
Audio Player
Bernard Parmegiani, De natura sonorum