glimpses of events
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the bigger picture 31 January 2019, twisted beeches in Verzy, near Reims, France yaza = outside at night, the zen...
west face
masculine and feminine reunited /maschile e femminile riuniti, 13-14 October 2018 in Locarno, Switzerland a 5D...
cosmic pulse 3 / 4 , autumn equinox third weekend of a quarterly module on cosmic astrology, 21-23 September 2018 in...
know thyself !
real empowerment 2 / 2 second of a two weekend module on 5D consciousness in action, 8-9 September 2018 in London,...
a 5D approach to the yama & niyama, 15-16 September 2018 in Glasgow, Scotland resistance occurs when...
eclipsed … revealed !
a retreat, an eclipse, 10-13 August 2018 at seasons of silence, Ardèche, France to lose and to find yourself, when the...
the new feminine
7-13 July 2018 at seasons of silence, Ardèche, France we spent a whole week going back to the origin of...
cosmic pulse 2/4 second weekend of the yearly cosmic astrology module, 23-24 June 2018 at seasons of silence, France...