glimpses of events
recent eventsthe rainbow bridge
your radiant Self, a 5D consciousness workshop in London, on 11-12 May 2019 to be truly yourself, you must remove all...
a meditation circle on 12 May 2019 at the Barbican, London in relation to the 5D weekend your radiant Self on 11-12...
we are not alone, obviously !
immense breath, a 5D consciousness weekend, on Arz Island, Brittany, France, 29-31 March 2019 beyond limits, an...
perfect communication
pura e autentica / pure and authentic a 5D consciousness workshop on 16-17 March 2019 in Locarno, Switzerland...
the space in between
healing the wound, a 5D consciousness workshop in London, 9-10 March 2019 any wound tells us about separation from...
frequency of unity
as part of the workshop healing the wound, a meditation circle a few days after the Pisces new Moon, 9 March 2019,...
body, my buddy, a 5D consciousness weekend in Vevey, Switzerland, 16-17 February 2019 to accept and really like...
yaza = sitting outdoors at night by the lake, 8 February 2019, Annecy, France a strong urge to attune with ourselves,...