glimpses of events
recent eventsserial shedding
shedding skin as a way of living, again and again, continuously before we are excitable, irritable, hyper-reactive...
an expanded reality
little boosts congestion your mind is not clear, it is foggy, restless, scattered, your heart is unstable,...
drop the fake
de-compact an exercice in style facts energetic mouvements (type, nature, power, effects) emotions and feelings (in...
paradise on earth 4/4
the final meeting of the paradise cycle, 15-17 January 2021 another season in hell/in paradise in 2020 quick notes...
multidimensional being
a few words gleaned, touching upon the inexpressible spiritual bypass re-establish the connection between...
dotting the i’s
11 : 11 little shock treatments anger resistance friction → let the rubbing wear the movement until you are...
context : a second lockdown is announced for the end of October 2020 a collective phenomenon and an individual need a...
conspiracy of light
in the midst of conflict re-establish the connections a relationship with myself I take a stand in my truth I...