some recurring flavours of today’s discussions during individual sessions and conversations with friends
the restructuring of relationships and bonds of affection
the dismantling of family structures
empty shells and unexpected reconnections
the people we lose, the people we (re)find
of timelines
it’s always a question of frequency, opportunity, phase, rhythm
doing, acting vs being, vacancy
an idle lifestyle
we’re not busy, we just sit there, moving in response to whatever catches our eye, otherwise nothing happens
the judge watches and complains, of course!
a childlike capacity for wonder, for discovering and exploring whatever comes our way, like an adventure that unfolds as the day goes by, leading to a winding, unpredictable, disconcerting and … profoundly liberating journey
eyes wide open, curious, cheerful, playful
living life, enjoying life
offering reality an open presence
living and dying
with each encounter, linear time mutates into an infinite space that opens up, spreads out and then closes again at the end of the event, at which point the time line reappears, only to disappear at the next opportunity
a fluid passage from line to volume and from volume to line, continuously
nothing lasts, we pass through what presents itself, fully aware of being mutable and changeable
life and death and life and death and life and death etc.
with immense gratitude for having manifested all this to experience it on earth
unrestrained openness
completely open, uncovered, we are very impressionable
the impressions left on us by situations, encounters and exchanges are like so many surprises that reveal us to ourselves
there is great stability and power in this vulnerability
moving towards what presents itself with a vibrating sternum that resonates with all kinds of expressions of purity