you are perfect as you are, obviously !
despite the complicated and ambiguous relationship you have to your perfection, made of desire and defiance, nostalgia and inaccessibility …
the collective programming (spiritual and religious), which perpetuates an extreme mental confusion, has compromised the simple immediate perception of the evident perfection of all that is. Moreover, it keeps us trapped in the illusion of separation
a proposal for us to play with during the weekend
consider the marvel at the beauty of the world a possibility to intuitively know who you are and to see you life as a perfect expression of the Whole
beauty is everywhere in the sensory experience of reality, it is inherent in a coherent and harmonious Whole. It allows you to perceive
– other dimensions of your being
– your life as an infinitely abundant ressource
a 5D consciousness workshop to encourage a subtle and precise awareness of our own experience. It invites a deep connection with ourselves, others and the world in the post lockdown
if you feel called, it is for you
time 10am-6pm on Saturday and Sunday
place anywhere in the world
fee 250 Swiss francs
material computer or tablet, mat, block and usual yoga gear