water series #2
water gives shape
water stops all forms of violation
water establishes the frequency of unified life on earth
to preserve life on earth, the integrity of the living fabric must be maintained
it is ancestral knowledge, immemorial, shifting and undefined, a distant echo of an ancient state of unity and wholeness
water is a vector of harmonisation
it speaks to the very heart of our dualities, deceptions and illusions, and encourages us to return to ourselves and our essential needs: to nourish, to care for, to protect, to relate to, to take our place in a community (= to care for the living)
the need is clear: to rediscover a primary form of fusion with life, with its rhythms, its flows, its natural cycles, without which it is impossible – in a woman’s, a man’s or any other body – to establish ourselves in the frequency currently supported by the earth
entering into coherence unifies and liberates
when a human being becomes attuned to the new frequency, humanity becomes harmonised and individual and global potential increases
then desire, pleasure, sex and the power of each individual find fruitful forms of expression – aligned with the principles of nature – and enjoying, conceiving, creating and manifesting are carried along by the currents most conducive to the harmony of the whole
this encounter with water is one of my greatest discoveries from the summer super-intensives into the wild
more about these captivating experiences here
(see also water talks, a workshop in London in October)
we are going to reconnect with life, to look after what is weak and fragile within us, until we see the rebirth of a living community, in which each of us is a marvel and, as such, the guarantor of its stability and continuity.
it’s the joint work of a group of people who, by putting themselves at the service of life, rediscover the inestimable value of their own lives
if this speaks to you, you’re one of us
where 11, rue des Chenevières, 1800 Veevey, Switzerland
when from Saturday 9am to Sunday 4:30pm, non-stop
accommodation to be found on site or nearby
meals provided by participants, each bringing something to share with the group
price CHF 250, plus a contribution towards room hire and catering