it goes fast, it’s intense, it’s exhilarating sometimes at the limit of the bearable
we are in a spiral of creation (where the energy of spring is not for much)
it sparkles, it fascinates and it propels outward, we are tempted by everything and nothing
with an urgency to take shape, all kinds of forms, as if our lives were at stake
we are in a photon wringer
it shines ∗ bright sparks ∗ it shines ∗ decoys ∗
distinguish the ones from the others ? not easy
the more it accelerates, the more we are simplified (wrung out) and reduced to an improbable vertical (in relation to what?)
more than ever, live the intensity, allow acceleration, and stay super centred (or rather refocus all the time)
beware, it’s going too fast for us to see clearly
avoid getting too attached to the form, a vibration can take many different forms
the subject of the moment, not to be missed so as not to get lost, I am waiting for you!
where ch de Généraz 8, 1814 La Tour-de-Peilz
when from Saturday 9am to Sunday 4:30pm, continuous
accommodation on site (or in the vicinity)
meals provided by the participants, everyone brings something to share with the group
price 250 francs, plus a contribution to the running costs