a straightforward, true, heart to heart communication, that of a new born
why is it so important ?
when we speak, various aspects of our Selves are being unveiled. If what we say or how we say it isn’t in tune with our essence, it creates a dissonance, which causes unease, i.e something in us shuts down painfully. This dissonance also disturbs and darkens the interpersonal space, which makes being heard and listened to much more unlikely
the topic is important and urgent !
if you are unable to tell what really matters to you, if the words used don’t sound right or if you seem to talk to the walls, this 5D yoga seminar is just for you
we will draw inspiration from the old wisdom of the yoga sutra at the light of 5D consciousness. Open to all, young and old, teachers and practitioners, beginners are welcome as well
time 9:30-17:00 both days
place Atelier Teatro dei Fauni, via alla Morettina 2, 6600 Locarno TI
fee 250 franchi
meals a soup will be served for lunch, you can bring something to share with the group
material bring your own mat, block and usual yoga gear
accommodation a participant may be able to host you, or else try Airbnb in Locarno