paradise on Earth ? a reality, accessible now !
what keeps us away from it are the mental constructions and conditionings, which control the access to Send, smother the mouvements of the heart and anaesthetise the body
as a result we are disconnected from ourselves, Source and the Earth
paradise is when we are in a love relationship with the Earth
a fullness of Self which vibrates the Earth and vice versa, we are in resonance
it is a state of being. Where we are, what we experience and how are unimportant, we are one with the entire cosmos. The quality of love we own in an expression of our intimacy with Source
to experience unity is our natural relationship with the Earth, with all that is and the cosmos
proof of that ? even the acquired conviction that paradise is lost couldn’t prevent us from having the experience of it : any magical moment !
whenever we experience a paradisiac state, what surrounds us enters in coherence and tends to harmonise spontaneously
this is therefore a major key to balance complex systems such as the planet, humanity, organisations, the human body …
but also to synchronise dimensions, levels and planes of existence, as is the case in the great shift we are going through
a four weekend module, one for each season, a plural and multi-dimensional approach to unity, any tool available and what it takes for us to settle in the garden of your Being
the pace of a year with quarterly meetings, the astrological background of the season, accessible to all, no prior experience or prerequisite needed, simply follow the inner calling
dates 13-15 March, 12-14 June, 18-20 September, 11-13 December 2020
time Friday 18:00 until Sunday 16:30
place Le Roselet, Haut-Crêt, 39200 St-Claude, Jura, France
fee 300€ per week-end (teaching 170€, full board accommodation in double, triple rooms with
delicious organic food 130€
a 150€ deposit confirms your booking, in case of non-attendance, the fee for the weekend is due