dreams ? yes, what makes you vibrate and brings you joy
nourish this vibration and the feeling you have of it in your body and in your heart
it’s easy and yet it’s quite an art … of living
the new world is here, there is nothing to create, everything is already here
as more of the Self appears in you until you are fully present on earth,
you are the new reality, rich with an infinity of possible experiences
the whole point is to realise this
to nourish dreams is to stay with a vibratory quality, without worrying about the forms it will manifest (the expression of a frequency can take many different forms)
the key is a deep intimacy with yourself, which puts you in the presence of what is in affinity with you, unless there is mental interference, it will take one form or another (it is not very important)
a cycle of four seasonal residential meetings, a multi-dimensional approach to your reality, all the tools you need to become more and more yourself and take back the reins of your life
the rhythm of a year with punctual meetings, each time something is implemented for the group, and in the meantime, a personal maturation takes place
the astrological panorama of the season refocuses on the essential
this is the year when you decide what kind of life you want to live, it is a choice of frequency!
dates 25-27 March, 24-26 June, 23-25 September, 9-11 December 2022
schedule Friday 6:00 pm to Sunday 4:00 pm
location Le Roselet, Haut-Crêt, 39200 St-Claude, France
carpooling available from Geneva airport and train station
fee 310€ per weekend (teaching 170€, accommodation 140€ in double or triple room)
organic vegetarian cuisine
booking a deposit of 150€ confirms the registration, payment online via Paypal
in case of absence at a meeting, the weekend fee is due