love is the only food of the heart, it feeds on it exclusively !
although this item is available everywhere, it seems difficult to get hold of it
subtle or obvious, the violences endured and inflicted by the heart are dreadful
coldness, dryness, hardness … so many signs of distress of the heart
not to mention its deviances and wanderings, addictions and perversions
a heart thirsty and hungry for love, a society trouble we face all around the planet!
reflection of a world disconnected from its cosmic and earthly roots, of a humanity lost in the maze of its mind
feed your heart love, to satiety
give yourself love (that’s most difficult !)
give your heart pleasure ? perhaps, but not always
rather offer it what is satisfying and contents it, what give it joy, a clear sign that it is nurtured
our hearts will come together on and island in Brittany, at the heart of the Morbihan bay. There they will spend the entire weekend and subsist on the sea, the elements, the sky and the stars and and delight in everyone else’s presence, great inner release for a huge opening
place wherever you are, online workshop
time Friday 6pm until Sunday 4pm
fee weekend 170€ (non refundable), boarding fee to be specified, all expenses are shared
material usual yoga gear, blanket, windbreaker
booking online, booking confirmed on reception of full payment