a seed retains its full sprouting power for millennia, as long as it keeps a little dampness. Water holds the memory of Life and the essence of the seed its unique imprint. And each time sprouting happens, everything comes back to Life, eternally.
the darkening of consciousness humanity has experienced for eons hasn’t tarnished our essence in the slightest, we were just asleep. Contrary to appearances, the powerful movements in our world encourage the awakening and the full realisation of our Self, actually.
the experience of 5D yoga I am offering invites the sprouting of full consciousness and blossoming of our true Self, in the now.
this weekend is a rite of passage, a awakening accelerator shaking false beliefs and reconnecting body-heart-mind-consciousness with our Self. It is open to all, irrespective of experience, teachers, practitioners, but also anyone inspired or triggered by this topic
time 10:00 – 17:00 both days
place 21, rue des Tisserands, La Pommeraye, 49620 Mauge sur Loire, France
fee 120 €
contact patricialefloch49@gmail.com