finding your balance and coming back to yourself, a miracle of every moment : centring, aligning and anchoring in your Self
as everything changes and meaning gets lost, you can experience the perfection of your evolving Self and trust your unlimited inner resources
tat tvam asi you are chat Chāndogya Upaniṣad
5D yoga, new consciousness within reach. This weekend is a rite of passage, a personal a collective initiation which unifies our human self and stabilises the highest frequencies in consciousness, mind, heart and body
teaching will be in English and French with a translation in Portuguese
venue Associação de Bailado das Antas – R.Jerónimo Mendonça, 272 – Porto
time 10:00-17:00 both days
fee 170€ non-refundable, payment (online, by bank transfer or in cash) confirms your booking
meals a soup will be served on the premise, please bring a little something to share with others
booking Olides Leça +351 916 136 967