how do we go about it ?
conjecture, conjecture, conjecture
at the climax of polarisation, with unpredictable political and climatic events, everything is now changing rapidly (visibly or otherwise)
how do we move forward in the midst of an energy storm, as an exponential rise propels us towards the solstice and beyond, towards the end of January 2025 ?
in which zones and according to which landmarks can we continue to navigate by sight, when nothing is clear or certain, and we’re frequently changing course ?
there is little room for manoeuvre, but that’s where we stand
to work on this subject, I offer three online meetings, live or replay, between now and the winter solstice
with, at the centre of the personal stage, in the face of local and world events
– feelings, emotions and the space we give them
– the beliefs behind our attitudes and habits of thought and action
– the manifesting power of our beliefs, thoughts, words and feelings
and, on the collective stage
– openness (the field of possibilities is wider than our belief system)
– curiosity about everything that might happen
it’s impossible to say what form the global transformation will take, as it will depend on how the balance of power evolves
so it’s best to focus on our own reactions and tendencies
as the meetings progress, I’ll be updating you on developments in the energy situation
there will be a resource space where we can meet up and work through what we’re experiencing together
you will be encouraged to align yourself, to anchor yourself deeply within yourself, to access your source, the only guarantee of your positions and actions
for mutual support, I’ll also invite you to interact with others
dates Wednesdays 20 November, 4 and 18 December 2024
when 8:30-10pm
where on Zoom, live or replay, a recording will be available for participants
fee £180, payable online or by bank transfer
booking full payment guarantees your participatin
the full amount is due even if you do not attend one of the meetings