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15 March 2024 - 17 March 2024

back to basics #3
gentleness can do anything!

the difficulty lies in getting past the rollers and reefs to reach the calm of the deep sea
there, our relationship with the nature of water is rekindled, in all its dimensions and states,
the water within us and the water around us

there, we reconnect with an innate intuition for fluid dynamics: straddling currents, coiling in quiet coves, defying eddies, we engage with primordial waters in a playful embrace of the subtle matter of the world

in the many dimensions and labyrinths of the psychic world, gentleness is always the order of the day, the proof?
its imperious propensity to make anything that blocks or resists give way, let go and dissolve
its sudden bursts of energy that lift the veils and reveal the tender and precious things at the heart of beings
then everything is possible!

our stay on the island will be devoted to bringing us closer, with sensitivity and respect, to our essential gentleness, without frightening it away


this is the last of the three associated meetings in the ‘spontaneous generation’ series, dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s
they take place this winter in three different locations, (Champagne, London and Brittany), each event focusing on a quality of our essential vibration (brightness, purity and gentleness)

a weekend of nuances in the protected bay of Morbihan, supported by the quiet power of the Isle of Arz and the intimacy of a small group
il you feel like it, come to rediscover the candid intensity of your gentleness and its limitless power


where  Arz island, Morbihan, France
when   Friday 6:00 pm to Sunday 4:00 pm
fee   200€ for the course, plus a contribution towards accommodation to be specified, costs shared
accommodation   in a self-catering gîte, double rooms, organic vegetarian meals prepared by us
equipment   your usual gear, blanket, windbreaker, warm outdoor clothing
booking   by bank transfer, payment of the full course fee confirms your place

book a place



15 March 2024
17 March 2024
Event Categories:


île d’Arz
Vannes, Morbihan 56840 France + Google Map