in the dark, eyes wide open
an invitation to move consciously through the jolts of this autumn’s eclipses
an opportunity to let yourself be reoriented so that you can evolve in safety, without getting lost in the fascination of a world of illusions
how eclipses work
there are three phases: saturation, loss of control, reorientation
– before an eclipse, energy flows accumulate until they saturate our field of consciousness
patterns, themes and the like surface, whether they are known or not, conscious or unconscious
– during the eclipse, the sun or moon are momentarily obscured (it may be partial or complete, visible to us or not). In all cases, we are deprived of our usual points of reference, destabilised and jostled, without being able to manage or control the situation. A reorientation takes place, according to the preferences of our multi-dimensional being regarding our human experience of the moment
– at the end of the eclipse, the sun or moon reappears, we come back to ourselves, literally reoriented (returned to our orientation, our source). By remaining attentive, without immediately regaining our bearings, we can welcome the adjustments at the subtle-coarse levels and gain stability in the currents of consciousness of the moment. It’s very specific and precious!
how it’s going to happen
the first solar eclipse takes place on 14 October, the second lunar eclipse on 29 October 2023
a fortnight later, on 12 November, I offer a webinar to clarify, elaborate and integrate what will have happened for each of you
the raw material for your transformation is what happens to you, whatever happens!
for a month, you’re going to keep track of what arises in your field of consciousness: what crosses your mind and occupies you, your dreams, surprises, the unexpected, synchronicities, etc. You’ll collect all this in bulk, and then you’ll write it down. You collect it all as it comes to you, so there’s no need to try and make sense of it
the stakes are high: our position in the powerful currents at play is decisive for the evolution of current collective events
the meeting
this will be the moment for fine-tuning, with a reading of the collective streams of consciousness, the elaboration of personal situations and challenges, and above all a series of practical technical exercises to help you maintain the suggested orientation.
a small group, a stable, luminous space, your authentic first-hand experience and the lightning-fast high frequencies that free you from the traps of the subtle world
when Sunday 12 November 9-12am
where webinar on Zoom
price £120, payable online or by bank transfer to secure your place, please note, the group is limited to 8 people