when we are in the light, we feel totally safe sheltered, protected. it is a physical sensation and a reality !
body, heart and mind are still, they are open and responsive. Being connected to Self, we are at the centre of ourselves and the continuum of Life
in the light, everything has its place : a realisation, a crisis or a quantum leap are part of the multiple reality of our experience. We are able to respond to them, we are curious (rather than anxious) and wonder how things will evolve
we live in darkness when we are disconnected from the light
why don’t we choose to settle in light instead ?
expansion whilst in lockdown, a webinar open to anyone interested
simple ways to reconnect our life with Life
in a troubled and uncertain context, hold the clear intention to step into the light and live there, whatever happens
time 10:00-17:00, exact schedule to follow
place wherever you are
fee 170£, a few places available for 100£ (please contact me)
material computer or tablet