from the heard headed naked ape to the accomplished and radiant human
let the perfection of your earthly equipment (body-heart-mind-consciousness) emerge and be optimised and sublimed = your health capital
perfect health : a beaming state wellbeing packed with strength vitality, power, endurance, resilience …
to get there, you will have to go against the grain sometimes and give up some preferences and habits
5D consciousness applied to promoting optimal health and longevity
our tools : unity consciousness, metaphysics, cosmic astrology, 5D yoga, ayurveda, etc.
time Saturday 9:00 until Sunday 16:00
place rue du Torrent 8, 1800 Vevey
accommodation on the premises (or nearby), self-catering
fee 250 francs + contribution to catering costs
booking a deposit of 150 francs confirms the booking
contact Camille Montefusco +41 79 637 41 73