d i v i   〈〉   s i o n 


  1. scission, fragmentation, separation of a whole
  2. disagreement, discord, dissension between people


divide and rule

a proven control strategy, in psychological or other warfare


  • divide and sow discord
  • set parties against each other to weaken them
  • influence parties through suggestion and manipulation

for example: sowing the seeds of unrest, trouble and violence
use polarisation as a means of control



systematic and targeted psychological undermining of the individual, with repercussions in the community and on a global scale
(and vice versa)

  • weaken the ground : debilitating the individual/group and cutting them off from themselves
  • undermine the terrain: injecting dissonant mental forms
    ⇒ influence opinions, points of view and ideas
  • sabotage resources: disrupting, provoking, shocking
    generate and massively disseminate destructive emotional states
    ⇒ alter perception, inhibit or exacerbate reactions, maintain survival mode
  • create a state of emergency : increase pressure
    threats to life, catastrophes (real or fictive) announced
    ⇒ impose “laws”, an “order” that further enslaves, etc.

you know the drill!



in the final phase the noose tightens
the mechanics of enslavement are implacable, intelligent, sophisticated and powerful

in reality, the system of coercion no longer holds : the harder it gets, the closer it is to the end
it dysfunctions, it implodes
unable to mutate or evolve, it is doomed to dissolution

it’s a question of frequency
incompatible with the earth’s current frequency, only the energy we give it by investing in it (ideas, opinions, emotions, reactions, etc.) keeps it in place



change your register

the answer to division is union
no truce, no compromise, no negotiation

move radically to something else by changing planes

rediscover the unity underlying all opposition and conflict (on a higher frequency)

firmly anchored in yourself, stand there

and take a stand from there alone!



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