drop the fake

drop the fake

de-compact   an exercice in style facts energetic mouvements (type, nature, power, effects) emotions and feelings (in relation to the script) what it makes me experience in my energy field give your body support and comfort your heart the quality of love it needs...
paradise on earth 4/4

paradise on earth 4/4

the final meeting of the paradise cycle, 15-17 January 2021 another season in hell/in paradise in 2020 quick notes jotted down, some feedback to the feelings shared by participants outlines of some lines of force     impact from the outside world, decisions,...
multidimensional being

multidimensional being

a few words gleaned, touching upon the inexpressible   spiritual bypass re-establish the connection between higher Self and body (no matter how)   diaphragm from a place of separation to the vibrating membrane of your divinity in the living instrument of the...
dotting the i’s

dotting the i’s

11 : 11   little shock treatments anger resistance friction →   let the rubbing wear the movement until you are back to your axis or balance     fear being off centre instability →   bring everything back to self, to your centre       reassure      ...


context : a second lockdown is announced for the end of October 2020 a collective phenomenon and an individual need a strong time of growth and expansion (unlike in the spring)   A     sharing resources retraction                                                 ...
conspiracy of light

conspiracy of light

in the midst of conflict   re-establish the connections a relationship with myself I take a stand in my truth I allow the resolution of inner conflicts (projected outside) a living network evolves by affinity   what really matters no chill time !            ...