

8 : 8 the lion’s gate a stellar alignment (Earth – Orion – Sirius) and a powerful energetic transition integration: condensation and incarnation of the new frequencies what kind of manifestation? remains to be seen …        ...
stand up !

stand up !

the new moon in lion was on 4 august 2024 at 12:13 pm GMST in full light and for all to see, you stand in your truth and act accordingly          
fully there

fully there

the full moon in Capricorn was on 21 July 2024 at 11:17am GMST the challenge of full noon: immense sensitivity with imperturbable grounding to see clearly in the evening: full presence and expanded awareness        ...


the new moon in cancer was just before midnight on 5 July at 23:57 GMST  head and heart merged: another intelligence of the world fabulous expansion and refinement of feelings          ...


just after the summer solstice, the Capricorn full moon on 22 June 2024 at 02:08am GMST the blaze of the heart facing the beauty of the world, what a marvel ! grasping beauty : an art of living touched by beauty, a singular form of universal harmony, dissonance and...
summer solstice

summer solstice

it’s the solstice ! the longest day of the year is 20 June and summer begins at 21:52 GMST let’s choose light and free for an easy passage !