Feb 20, 2023 | astro blog |
the new moon in pisces was at 7:06am GMT on 20 February a precious moment when the sun, the moon, venus, the ascendant and neptune are in pisces surrendering and opening to the mystery
Feb 5, 2023 | astro blog |
the full Moon in Leo was on 5 February at 6:28pm GMT a 360° vision to appreciate the amplitude of the expansion in progress many aspects of your multidimensional being are called to take place within you ...
Jan 21, 2023 | astro blog |
the new moon is on 21 January at 22:53 GMT on the cusp of Aquarius, it brings impulse and activation two months before Pluto enters the sign, one more call to open your eyes
Jan 7, 2023 | astro blog |
the first full moon of the year it was just before midnight on 6 January (at 23:08 GMT exactly) fluidity and malleability : movement starters
Dec 23, 2022 | astro blog |
a meditation circle around the last new moon of the year on 23 December 2022 (it has taken place at 10:17 GMT) from the depths of the winter night, let your light shine
Dec 21, 2022 | astro blog |
a meditation on the evening of the winter solstice (the passage was at 9:49 GMT) celebrating the completed cycle and welcoming the creative potential of the new one