Jun 21, 2023 | astro blog |
the entry into summer was on 21 June at 3:58pm GMST on the occasion of the passage a large meditation circle was held in the evening
Jun 19, 2023 | astro blog |
the new moon in gemini was on June 18, 2023 at 05:37am GMST the implacable modalities of being together : only that which sits us within ourselves is beneficial to all the slow decantation that erases greed for oneself ...
Jun 5, 2023 | astro blog |
the full moon in sagittarius was on 4 June, 2023 at 04:42 am GMST the meditation circle was held at the twisted beeches in Verzy, Champagne, France as part of the workshop woodland of course in our community, take your place and let your intelligence be expressed...
May 20, 2023 | astro blog |
the new moon in taurus was on 19 May 2023 at 4:53 pm GMST then, the Sun and Moon met Sedna at the end of the eclipse season what if we widen the field, in order to better settle in ourselves? the vibrations and themes of the planet will be presented in who is Sedna ?,...
May 6, 2023 | astro blog |
the second eclipse of the season has taken place on 5 May, 2023, the maximum was at 6:34pm GMST during the eclipse the moon appeared veiled in the areas where it was visible (not under our latitudes) ...
Apr 20, 2023 | astro blog |
the first of the spring eclipses was on April 20, 2023 it was not visible under our latitudes and its maximum was at 5.12 h GMST on the last degree of Aries, it carries a powerful impulse to fully embody who we are ...