Alice and the doors

Alice and the doors

welcome in wonderland ! Alice stands in a circular antechamber with many doors, there are doors all around her, and she wonders           which one shall I open ?           how do I know that it is the right one for me ? depending on her mood and state of mind she may...
resolutions or resolution ?

resolutions or resolution ?

our choice determines our path of evolution   news year’s resolutions on the 1st of January many of us have made resolutions for 2018. Some of us will struggle with them and won’t keep them and others will be proud of ourselves for having the will power to keep...
immense love

immense love

        enveloping      sweet                  passionate     patient     bottomless      protective      unfathomable     demanding      forgiving      burning     tender      multiple      flawless      precious      generous     cherished   ...
zero point

zero point

a dot connecting across dimensions the vastness of a limitless space a universe (multiverse) of infinite possibilities a state of stillness and silence revealing multiple (countless) aspects/layers/dimensions of life weaving anytime/anywhere now hitting zero point...
the memory of water

the memory of water

our original blueprint, a unique expression of the Divine in a human shape, is a living 3D mandala. It is present in every single cell of our body where it maintains an inalterable harmonious field. The signature of Self  is imprinted in our body (made of 99,1 % of...
smash the core defence : self-sabotage

smash the core defence : self-sabotage

over the past weeks, sudden surges of implosive/explosive energy have caused parts of walls of our core defence to fall apart, leaving us knackered and our most vulnerable spot (core wound) exposed. Although extremely destructive and excruciatingly painful, these...