Feb 22, 2019 | 5D updates |
inner and outer reality mirror each other your inner weather (moods, state of body-heart-mind) alters your vision of reality like when you are worried and our inner movie feeds any worst case scenario you can think of like when you are short fused, due to rubbing...
Feb 6, 2019 | 5D updates |
great transformation big changes happen in small steps, some of them hardly noticeable shaking, a crack or is it the other way around ? a crack, shaking yet shapes tend to perpetuate themselves and regenerate again and again an inner urge more and...
Jan 1, 2019 | 5D updates |
… and stars in your eyes an insistent inner demand, as we continue to unwrap the tremendous package received on 21 December at the winter solstice access the bigger picture embrace further until you can feel great peace be totally still in the now truly there and feel...
Oct 6, 2018 | 5D updates |
you can allow your grey matter to relax, give it a chance to let go put it to complete rest the benefit will be immediate rather than the mind, the matter of the brain itself can become loose mental activity is put on hold, of course alertness and inner...
Oct 5, 2018 | 5D updates |
of unity and wholeness you leave nothing aside you remove nothing you take it all instead, you are all that you dare being different ambivalent multiple without complying or bending you stand there you let your essence and the unspeakable your vulnerability your power...
Apr 25, 2018 | 5D updates |
early this morning, in the oblique light of the first sun rays I could feel the peaceful enthusiasm of the particles in the unified field of consciousnsss random-non random mouvements singular and united enthusiasm, literally in presence of God, inspired...