Apr 12, 2020 | 5D updates |
focus on the bright side of life ! in the battle between light and darkness, things are not the way they look, under the cover of confinement many things are happening, good ones and bad ones big surprises to come acknowledge the truth ! how will you discern what is...
Apr 10, 2020 | 5D updates |
unless you break your habits (mental and other), you don’t have a chance to know if they serve the light or not unless you drop your routines (the spiritual ones included), you won’t be able to know where you are at without the crutches you are well aware that your...
Apr 2, 2020 | 5D updates |
fear is another viral pandemic ! more virulent than the corona, it has no particular target and can affect anybody, consciously or not. After a few weeks spent in lockdown its density is palpable, it gets everywhere, no refuge, no (absence of) routine/discipline...
Mar 24, 2020 | 5D updates |
doing nothing doesn’t grant us access to BEING, far from it ! but it is an important step in returning back to oneself at the beginning, stopping the infernal cycle brings to light the inner restlessness and emptiness and often the inability to stay with oneself....
Mar 22, 2020 | 5D updates |
some perspectives the virus a half-life which settles in a body and uses the vital force of a cell to replicate its genome and disseminate spontaneous mutation ? programming ! coronavirus, a pandemic running around the planet and affecting the...
Mar 13, 2020 | 5D updates |
there are before and after the situation is critical hold the highest f r e q u e n c y it’s time to be fully present to ground yourself in your body and be the light l i g h t precautions are necessary, but no need to panic watch your mind and heart, bring them...