Jun 26, 2020 | 5D updates |
a little immersive experiment as we enter the summer you can let go of your (strongly/weakly) defined identity as an individual turn off your conceptual/strategic/methodic/practical/empirical/intuitive/analogical/…. mind (tick as is relevant) even if it is...
May 9, 2020 | 5D updates |
the big transformation of the world is made of small personal changes the risk of being caught in conditionings and addictions is real, once life goes back to some ‘normality’ (as is the case in France in a few days) although being locked down is challenging,...
May 8, 2020 | 5D updates |
urban strolling May 2020 in Paris, France imperceptibly, we have adopted subtle avoidance modes this recently acquired conditioning makes us look a little stiffer and our gait more hesitant and almost floating at times, we are on alert as soon as we...
May 7, 2020 | 5D updates |
we unravel the threads, reconnect them and settle in the new = the (un)known the threads are our nervous system, whose nervous endings must be connected with the ones of other people, the earth, the cosmos, in short with the rest of us. This is our primal connection !...
Apr 24, 2020 | 5D updates |
being in lockdown opens spaces for us to explore, we didn’t know existed only two months ago you could make a good use of one of those spaces and learn telepathy it’s a useful skill for you to develop for various reasons among other benefits, telepathy can...
Apr 18, 2020 | 5D updates |
getting out of the box may not be as simple as it seems that’s forgetting its shadow countless ignominies perpetrated against humanity surface every day through all pores of the social body and are disclosed widely it is worth noting that they are not/no longer...