Jun 16, 2015 | 5D updates |
daily discipline (ongoing)bring the highest of your consciousness into your bodyand your body to the highest of your consciousness the stuff behind it:today is new Moon daythe new Moon is the conjunction of Sun and Moonboth aspects of our consciousness today...
May 29, 2015 | 5D updates |
what is light, subtle, refined, spacious, gracious, free … offers body and space a common playground where they unite joyfully our multifaceted body is mobile, changing, versatileit relates freely to gravity, from which it can abstract and free itselfby...
May 26, 2015 | 5D updates |
your meditation today feel the day beginand feel the echo in your body enjoy!
May 24, 2015 | 5D updates |
you can settle where the two branches of the cross intersect in the space of the heart allowing the double descending and ascending stream which vivifies the vertical branch to flow through youwhilst sensing the quiet presence of the horizontal branch feel how...
Feb 17, 2015 | 5D updates |
sanscrit for heart cakra is anahata (=non struck, referring to inner sound, resonance of Self)this cakra (traditionally relating to element air and sense of touch) is the tuning fork of our ascension holding the frequency of Source when we experience life on Earth...
Jan 23, 2015 | 5D updates |
small steps that reset you instantly, when you get off balance pick one of more as inspired centered in your heartaffirm ‘I am the centre of all that is’, ‘I am the Universe’ andfeel its versatile ever-changing density one hand moving...