Dec 31, 2015 | 5D updates |
to open your heart, you must release all the feelings of guilt and shame about destructive patterns those are part of the illusion you’ve been kept in for millennia, they are neither good, nor bad, they are crystallised shapes around painful and traumatising...
Dec 25, 2015 | 5D updates |
open your arms and unite with Self there is no greater joy than love in Self your heart is the universe and the universe is your heart you want to embrace that freedom and vastness
Dec 24, 2015 | 5D updates |
all movements in the Universe happen trough desire and pleasure and they are meant to bring you joy the dance of the elements is pure bliss and complex series of movements, such as cellular multiplication, an emotion arising and expressing in your body, the course of...
Nov 11, 2015 | 5D updates |
LOVE lives in everything, from the deepest depths to the highest stars, and she is the most charming of all, because she has given the highest king the kiss of peace caritas abundat in omnia, de imis excellentissima super sidera,atque amantissima in omnia, quia summo...
Oct 7, 2015 | 5D updates |
emotions are made of water and one can play with water for instance you can follow its movements, along the stream or against the stream as you prefer and let the atmosphere of the moment permeate you (you can also take any other direction, if you wish) and whilst...
Aug 24, 2015 | 5D updates |
I wrote these words when Fabrice, my young nephew, wasn’t too well it could have been you or me, perhaps they will resonate with you too confidence when you are in touch with yourself you can feel something deep and quiet in which you can settle. You can give...