sacred geometry
over the past 3 years our lover bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) have gone through a complete...
physiology of ascension
sanscrit for heart cakra is anahata (=non struck, referring to inner sound, resonance of Self)this cakra...
minor adjustments
small steps that reset you instantly, when you get off balance pick one of more as inspired centered in your...
instrument upgrade
whatever is happening in your life right now no matter how abrupt, confusing, violent, maddening, excruciatingly...
Sirius meditation
yesterday morning's full Moon was conjunct Sirius this evening take a moment, turn inwards until you are perfectly...
after the new Moon
early this morning, at 5.55am, was the first full Moon of 2015 sown your wildest dreams without even a clue...
new beginnings
look into something carefully and feel the difference the highest frequencies of light in a limitless living...
full Moon in Gemini such an auspicious day to brush up my website it’s time to come back to limitless Self and allow...