today's full Moon at 0° in Virgo, facing the Sun at 0°in Pisces set the tone below are a few thoughts following the...
yaza = sitting outdoors at night by the lake, 8 February 2019, Annecy, France a strong urge to attune with ourselves,...
lift the veil !
great transformation big changes happen in small steps, some of them hardly noticeable shaking, a crack ...
power site
the bigger picture 31 January 2019, twisted beeches in Verzy, near Reims, France yaza = outside at night, the zen...
slight shift
the good thing about eclipses is that they reveal things to us early on 6 January, at 1:28 am GMT, was the first new...
looking up at the sky
… and stars in your eyes an insistent inner demand, as we continue to unwrap the tremendous package received on 21...
west face
masculine and feminine reunited /maschile e femminile riuniti, 13-14 October 2018 in Locarno, Switzerland a 5D...
cosmic pulse 3 / 4 , autumn equinox third weekend of a quarterly module on cosmic astrology, 21-23 September 2018 in...
know thyself !
real empowerment 2 / 2 second of a two weekend module on 5D consciousness in action, 8-9 September 2018 in London,...
rest of the grey matter
you can allow your grey matter to relax, give it a chance to let go put it to complete rest the benefit will be...
a 5D approach to the yama & niyama, 15-16 September 2018 in Glasgow, Scotland resistance occurs when...
of unity and wholeness you leave nothing aside you remove nothing you take it all instead, you are all that you dare...