looking up at the sky
… and stars in your eyes an insistent inner demand, as we continue to unwrap the tremendous package received on 21...
west face
masculine and feminine reunited /maschile e femminile riuniti, 13-14 October 2018 in Locarno, Switzerland a 5D...
cosmic pulse 3 / 4 , autumn equinox third weekend of a quarterly module on cosmic astrology, 21-23 September 2018 in...
know thyself !
real empowerment 2 / 2 second of a two weekend module on 5D consciousness in action, 8-9 September 2018 in London,...
rest of the grey matter
you can allow your grey matter to relax, give it a chance to let go put it to complete rest the benefit will be...
a 5D approach to the yama & niyama, 15-16 September 2018 in Glasgow, Scotland resistance occurs when...
of unity and wholeness you leave nothing aside you remove nothing you take it all instead, you are all that you dare...
eclipsed … revealed !
a retreat, an eclipse, 10-13 August 2018 at seasons of silence, Ardèche, France to lose and to find yourself, when the...
the new feminine
7-13 July 2018 at seasons of silence, Ardèche, France we spent a whole week going back to the origin of...
cosmic pulse 2/4 second weekend of the yearly cosmic astrology module, 23-24 June 2018 at seasons of silence, France...
summer solstice
as the Sun stands still (as we see it from the Earth) a multi-dimensional space opens for a few days. The longest days...
eclipse season
with yesterday’s new Moon in Gemini we entered this summer eclipse season, also called a wormhole a wormhole is...