perfect communication
pura e autentica / pure and authentic a 5D consciousness workshop on 16-17 March 2019 in Locarno, Switzerland...
spring equinox
an outdoor meditation at the Louvre pyramid, Paris, on 20 March 2019 on 20 March we will pass the vernal point =...
the space in between
healing the wound, a 5D consciousness workshop in London, 9-10 March 2019 any wound tells us about separation from...
idle vs routine
first spring day today why don’t you go idle ? allowing space for being resting dreaming processing...
frequency of unity
as part of the workshop healing the wound, a meditation circle a few days after the Pisces new Moon, 9 March 2019,...
body, my buddy, a 5D consciousness weekend in Vevey, Switzerland, 16-17 February 2019 to accept and really like...
inner and outer reality mirror each other your inner weather (moods, state of body-heart-mind) alters your vision of...
today's full Moon at 0° in Virgo, facing the Sun at 0°in Pisces set the tone below are a few thoughts following the...
yaza = sitting outdoors at night by the lake, 8 February 2019, Annecy, France a strong urge to attune with ourselves,...
lift the veil !
great transformation big changes happen in small steps, some of them hardly noticeable shaking, a crack ...
power site
the bigger picture 31 January 2019, twisted beeches in Verzy, near Reims, France yaza = outside at night, the zen...
slight shift
the good thing about eclipses is that they reveal things to us early on 6 January, at 1:28 am GMT, was the first new...