body balance
meditation on the full Moon in Pisces 14 September 2019, London, UK a meditation circle on balancing...
all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned all...
alchemy of ascension
ascension gradually increasing awareness of a subtler and more refined perception a new dimension of reality every dot...
partial lunar eclipse
a meditation at Vergnes pass, above Jouanvins, Ardèche, France, on 16 July 2019 the mysterious atmosphere of a...
be born and die
after a meditation on being born and dying, participants share what most resonated with them, struck or overwhelmed...
full solar eclipse
meditation at the Louvre pyramid, Paris, on 2 July 2019, during the full solar eclipse following the huge initiations...
vision of Self
solstice meditation at the Louvre pyramid, Paris, on 21 June 2019, with the music festival in the background...
meteorites and sun stroke back from Egypt the day before the workshop, I share my first impressions with the...
the beauty of the world
why beauty ? disorder, corruption, violence are dissonant forms of beauty, which is the essential perfection...
the essence of water
water comes from the cosmos water is omnipresent in our solar system, including on reputably inhospitable planets, as...
dance with life !
dancing, like playing, is a state of mind (not really something we do) meeting life, everywhere, anywhere, in all...
the rainbow bridge
your radiant Self, a 5D consciousness workshop in London, on 11-12 May 2019 to be truly yourself, you must remove all...