some perspectives the virus a half-life which settles in a body and uses the vital force of a cell to replicate...
the spring equinox meditation in Paris on 20 March 2020 the spring began (today at 3:51 am) with the conjunction of...
paradise on earth 1/4
a glimpse of the seminar held in St Claude, Jura, France on 13-15 March 2020 paradise is a state of being whenever we...
the highest frequency
there are before and after the situation is critical hold the highest f r e q u e n c y it’s time to be fully...
an excerpt of the meditation in West Hampstead, London, on 7 February 2020 an evening meditation circle around current...
intelligence of the world
5D = unity consciousness unity, wholeness, harmony, everything is there, in place and fully operational everything is...
inner stillness
an excerpt of the meditation under a twisted beech in Verzy, France, on 6 February 2020 yaza = outside at night, the...
I support the world
our ego-system is very ill, says my distraught neighbour in the tube on my way home after the workshop a world of our...
between heaven and earth
an excerpt of the meditation at lake Annecy, France, on 31 January 2020 looking up at the stars, the mirror of...
Saturn Pluto etc.
an excerpt of a meditation in Lille, France, on 12 January 2020 a meditation circle the day Saturn, Pluto,...
lunar eclipse
an excerpt of a meditation held at the Louvre pyramid in Paris, on 10 January 2020 a meditation circle around...
the very first hour
I am so grateful for who you are, your essence, your presence, your unique flavour and the way it graces the...