easing off !
life in the superlative when hyper-stimulation, hyper-reactivity, physical, psychological and emotional...
revealing water
water series #3 water brings everything back to its original vibration water diffuses the frequency of unity water...
face to face
some recurring flavours of today's discussions during individual sessions and conversations with friends the...
last entrance
19 November 2024 : Pluto returns to Aquarius ! this time it is for good, he will stay in the sign until March 2043...
water informs
water series #2 water gives shape water stops all forms of violation water establishes the frequency of unified life...
the full moon in taurus was on 15 November 2024 at 9:38 pm GMT just a few days away from pluto's definitive entry into...
gone, the bird !
Had the blackbird already ventured to draw its golden initials at the bottom of the night or, warned by obscure...
cosmic intelligence
the new moon in scorpio was on 1 November 2024 at 12:47pm GMT cosmic intelligence: it's all there, in the experience...
water talks
water series #1 water talks, no surprise! water interacts with us water supports the dissolution of all dualities in...
the full moon in aries was on 17 October 2024 at 12:26 pm GMST when everything is raging, exploding, collapsing only...
post eclipses
astro weather after the darkness comes the light the diamond is extracted from its gangue the light is ! yes,...
solar eclipse
the second eclipse of the season was an annular eclipse of the sun (the maximum was at 7:49 pm GMST) it was not...