a circle of meditation around the full Moon in Scorpio on 6 May 2020 what we can already manifest : a vision, a...
being in lockdown opens spaces for us to explore, we didn’t know existed only two months ago you could make a good use...
antagonist forces
you will have noticed the new Moon early this morning (at 3:26 GMST) over the past three days, a huge tension (a...
remote meditation on 18 April 2020 a series of small adjustments to attune with the whole and universal laws, so we...
the shadow of the box
getting out of the box may not be as simple as it seems that’s forgetting its shadow countless ignominies...
choose light !
focus on the bright side of life ! in the battle between light and darkness, things are not the way they look, under...
lift your frequency
unless you break your habits (mental and other), you don’t have a chance to know if they serve the light or not unless...
an evening meditation circle on the day Jupiter and Pluto meet for the first time (of three) this year (they are...
nourish your heart
a comic strip and a sculpture to summarise your work together, an amazing experience nourish your heart, a 5D online...
dissolving fear
fear is another viral pandemic ! more virulent than the corona, it has no particular target and can affect anybody,...
the Pen Liouze meditation, Arz island, Brittany, 28 March 2020 a magnificent circle of visible and invisible beings in...
doing nothing
doing nothing doesn’t grant us access to BEING, far from it ! but it is an important step in returning back to oneself...