the Aquarius new Moon sheds light on what we are currently busy with : successive upgrades and a systematic...
astro weather
astro weather January 2022 a glimpse of the sky and attuning with the energies of the moment here is the replay...
sitting together around the first full Moon of the year on Monday 17 January 2022 at 23:49 GMT feeling what is...
out of the hole
happy new year 2022 ! the new Moon last night (at 6:33pm GMT on 2 January) was discrete and furtive it was the...
winter solstice
winter solstice 2021 mirror of 2012 the passage from autumn to winter and the beginning of a new cycle was at 4pm GMT...
final touch
a meditation circle for the last full Moon of the year on 19 December 2021 (it was at 4:35 am GMT) two days before the...
full solar eclipse
the second eclipse of the season and the final one of the year is a total solar eclipse on 4 November 2021 (peak wasat...
partial lunar eclipse
a meditation circle during the first of two eclipses (not visible under our latitudes) this autumn, the peak was at...
a meditation circle in the evening of the Scorpio new Moon on 4 November 2021 (it was at 21:14 GMT) moment of truth :...
music of the spheres
a meditation circle around the Aries full Moon (it was at 15:57 GMDT) on 20 October 2021 fine-tuning of our heart with...
a meditation circle the evening of the Libra new Moon (it was at 12:05pm GMDT) Sun-Moon-Mars = transfer of unity codes...
autumn equinox
the balancing of day and night, a meditation celebrating the beginning of autumn the passage was at 20:22 GMST on 22...