5D updates
recents postsimmense love
enveloping sweet passionate patient bottomless ...
zero point
a dot connecting across dimensions the vastness of a limitless space a universe (multiverse) of infinite possibilities...
the memory of water
our original blueprint, a unique expression of the Divine in a human shape, is a living 3D mandala. It is present in...
smash the core defence : self-sabotage
over the past weeks, sudden surges of implosive/explosive energy have caused parts of walls of our core defence to...
first spring picks
here are a few things that struck me since the big balancing of polarities at the equinox take time to perceive each...
3D = duality, separation, conflict vs 5D = unity, oneness, love what are you in relation with, interacting...
choose higher !
let’s practice leaping beyond your (dis)comfort zone you are essentially free you always have access to the full...
what is still missing ?
the feminine and the masculine are about to reunite, yet it is not happening ! fear is blocking the ultimate fusion of...