5D updates
recents postsland healing is self-healing
land healing as about our inner landscape, that is the matter of our psyche, heart and emotions several month...
healing matters
conditionings all conditionings veil the consciousness that we are their origin is a twist at some point in the...
visible and invisible wonders
in preparation for the videoconference on 24 February 2021 : a softer way from the viewpoint of the foraging...
the end of the phoenix
after countless rides on the merry-go-round having experienced and re-visited all the timelines thousands of times,...
change timeline
burning the old, clearing timelines, all life records, the last batch of a big stack of paperwork it took forever and...
mouvements, changes, etc.
I have moved ! I swapped the unobstructed sky views from my Parisian flat for the ocre soil and the lavender...
purely subjective
here are a few little seasonal games be aware of our body in ordinary daily activities how it engages in action...
gratitude is when I find my place and everything falls into place harmony simply celebrated a resonance, a...