astro blog
recent postsfirm ground
a meditation circle the night of the super full Moon in Scorpio (it was at 4:31am GMST in the morning) the first of...
spring bouquet
a meditation circle around the Aries new Moon (it was at 3:31am GMST), witnessing a remarkable stellium of planets in...
clear the debt
the first full Moon of the spring (ides of March), the exact time was 7:48pm GMST and the transmission of the day...
spring equinox
a meditation to celebrate the beginning of spring on 20 March 2021 (the passage was at 9:38am GMT) turmoil in the...
a sacred space
a meditation circle the night of the new Moon in Pisces on 13 March 2021 (it was at 10:21am GMT) taking care of the...
in balance
a meditation circle on 6 March 2021, during the workshop stabilise your flight, on the Arz island, on 6 March 2021 the...
living on earth
a meditation circle a few hours after the Virgo full Moon (it was on 27 February at 08:17am GMT) full descent into...
new waves
a meditation circle as part of the workshop opening of the heart in Epernay, France, on 13 February 2021 ...