astro blog
recent postspartial lunar eclipse
a meditation circle during the first of two eclipses (not visible under our latitudes) this autumn, the peak was at...
a meditation circle in the evening of the Scorpio new Moon on 4 November 2021 (it was at 21:14 GMT) moment of truth :...
music of the spheres
a meditation circle around the Aries full Moon (it was at 15:57 GMDT) on 20 October 2021 fine-tuning of our heart with...
a meditation circle the evening of the Libra new Moon (it was at 12:05pm GMDT) Sun-Moon-Mars = transfer of unity codes...
autumn equinox
the balancing of day and night, a meditation celebrating the beginning of autumn the passage was at 20:22 GMST on 22...
the plumb
the meditation circle a few hours before the full Moon in Pisces (the exact time is 0:55am GMDT on 21 September) the...
a meditation circle around the new Moon in Virgo, it was at 1:52 GMDT on 7 September everything happens in the body :...
a blue Moon, the second full Moon in the same sign they are in Aquarius (the first one was on 24 July), this one is at...