some perceptible movements at the beginning of this year
the frequency field
vibrations, oscillations, ripples, waves, currents, spirals
a fascination with things that are made and unmade, constantly changing and renewing themselves
edges, borders, fringes, margins…
these in-betweens that open up spaces where the breath takes off, spreading the chest wide as the heart marvels
these demarcations that distinguish, separate and signal deep inside when enough is enough and we’re not going any further
the images in the calendar illustrating the phases of the moon evoke these places
what are the possible manifestations of these vibrations?
the first expressions of this wave of creation, proposals for encounters, are taking shape
to be followed and developed together
my programme germinates over the months and new meetings are published regularly
as for the glimpses of events, they are an echo of what took place
each event is unique
it takes place in a singular space-time where our consciousnesses gather in the common field
each encounter durably modifies this field, it has profound repercussions on those who take part in it and, by extension, on everyone
come and discover, let yourself be surprised and take the plunge if it speaks to you!