


  © yves brette.biz



sensitive areas

of people
of relationships



everything that is (en)hardened, distended, softened, dispersed, fragmented

a simple event is enough to provoke this, to trigger a movement

  © yves brette.biz

it gives way, it breaks, it shatters
it tears
it unravels, it dissolves

   © yves brette.biz


tectonic plates collide, shift, creating a fault, a gap
and a transformation of the inner landscape and relationships
we no longer recognise ourselves or our environment



© György Kurtág, Microludes



what then emerges, surprising, disturbing, unpleasant
raw material: power not yet integrated, brutal, violent
mature material: liberation, blossoming, spontaneity

what comes up, what is not digested, what is rehashed
what reassures because it brings us back to what we know: smells, memories, patterns


you can’t hide anything, everything comes to light


  © yves brette.biz


everything is seen, immediately or later, or not seen
by yourself and those around you

it’s unpleasant, shocking, upsetting, but … liberating



what does it all mean?

let go


  © yves brette.biz


no more false identities or affiliations, no more VIPs, no more copyright

what is appears

for ourselves and in our relationships with others



true transparency

reveals what we are
already accomplished or in the making


everything else will fall away sooner or later


  © yves brette.biz


it’s better to let it go