whatever is happening in your life right now
no matter how abrupt, confusing, violent, maddening, excruciatingly painful, …
or freeing, promising, mind-boggling …
is designed specifically (by your Higher Self) to take you exactly where you belong
it is your soul’s deepest longing for joy and happiness and purpose
take it, watch it, go through it for what it is : an adjustment to a greater perspective, a new level of consciousness, meaning upgrading, recalibrating and tuning your instrument
emotions are movements only, ripple effect of your lower mind’s (ego coloured) response to the upgrade
no need to get caught up in them, nor to look for their meaning
feel rather how you ride the wave and listen to the new (possibly dissonant) music
and above all cherish the experience
happy new Moon (in Aquarius)
I loved it!
thank you, my dear
Thank you for your inspiring words at a time when I needed them most.
I keep them with me.