Feb 9, 2021 | 5D updates |
after countless rides on the merry-go-round having experienced and re-visited all the timelines thousands of times, woven, unwoven and re-woven all unimaginable patterns again and again cheerful, passionate, desperate, enduring, stubborn, satisfied, jaded … sometimes...
Feb 3, 2021 | 5D updates |
burning the old, clearing timelines, all life records, the last batch of a big stack of paperwork it took forever and a lot of energy to complete the task. At first, I got a brief sense of relief, freedom and joy, but in the thick of it I had to go into arduous and...
Jan 31, 2021 | glimpses of events |
de-compact an exercice in style facts energetic mouvements (type, nature, power, effects) emotions and feelings (in relation to the script) what it makes me experience in my energy field give your body support and comfort your heart the quality of love it needs...
Jan 28, 2021 | astro blog |
a meditation circle for the full Moon in Leo (at 19:16 GMT) on 28. 1.2021 an exploration, spotlights on the possibilities of the new reality
Jan 26, 2021 | glimpses of events |
the final meeting of the paradise cycle, 15-17 January 2021 another season in hell/in paradise in 2020 quick notes jotted down, some feedback to the feelings shared by participants outlines of some lines of force impact from the outside world, decisions,...