Mar 7, 2021 | astro blog |
a meditation circle on 6 March 2021, during the workshop stabilise your flight, on the Arz island, on 6 March 2021 the art of finding and regaining your balance in calm weather and in the midst of turbulences ...
Feb 27, 2021 | astro blog |
a meditation circle a few hours after the Virgo full Moon (it was on 27 February at 08:17am GMT) full descent into matter and amplification : power of embodiment
Feb 23, 2021 | 5D updates |
in preparation for the videoconference on 24 February 2021 : a softer way from the viewpoint of the foraging bee 🐝 the blossom is the promise of a simple and unavoidable enjoyment hence the irresistible instinctive calling to its corolla, the deliberate...
Feb 13, 2021 | astro blog |
a meditation circle as part of the workshop opening of the heart in Epernay, France, on 13 February 2021
Feb 11, 2021 | astro blog |
it’s new Moon time, it will be tonight (at 7:05pm GMT) a subtile evolutionary dynamic is set up, which invite us to seek more intimacy with ourselves, to dive into our depth and listen attentively and to acknowledge and endorse who we truly are, eventually from...